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Yeoncheon Imjin River Biosphere Reserve

Historical and Cultural Resources

The Imjin River and the Hantan River have always been indispensable foundations of life throughout the history of the Korean Peninsula, from the Paleolithic Period 300,000 years ago through the Three Kingdoms Period, the Joseon Dynasty, and modern times to today.

Cultural heritages of the entire history of the Korean peninsula remain in Yeoncheon, particularly around the rivers.

Prehistoric Site in Jeongok-ri
Prehistoric Site in Jeongok-ri
Dolmen in Hakgok-ri
Dolmen in Hakgok-ri
Stone Mound Tomb in Hakgok-ri
Stone Mound Tomb in Hakgok-ri
Horogoruseong Fortress
Horogoruseong Fortress
Dangposeong Fortress
Dangposeong Fortress
Eundaeriseong Fortress
Eundaeriseong Fortress
Tomb of King Gyeongsun
Tomb of King Gyeongsun
Sunguijeon Hall
Sunguijeon Hall
Stone Mound Tomb in Samgot-ri
Stone Mound Tomb in Samgot-ri
Yeongang Gallery
Yeongang Gallery
Hantangang Dam Water Cultural Center
Hantangang Dam Water Cultural Center
Typhoon Observatory
Typhoon Observatory